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3D slices from any directions without any damages

All revealed from 360° angle including materials and inside not visible from outside


NINJA CT App is a free application to experience 3D X-Ray scan data and how RF’s Industrial 3D CT Scanner, NAOMi-CT works.


It enables to view the object inside out in a 3D view without destroying it.
For the precious things, they do not need to be broken, disassembled or torn apart, and from various angles, everything is transparent, all the things that are not seen from outside.

* NINJA CT App is to show some features of NAOMi-CT.
* Images are for illustration purposes.

3D scan technology (X-Ray CT technology) used for RF's medical and dental X-Ray CT,which has the No.1 shere in japan, we have transformed into the industrial 3D X-Ray CT scanner at the most affordable price.
Dreams of engineers have come true. Try out how the CT works and how useful it is, with this App.


Try FREE 3D scan of your work!!

*Various materials are scannable such as light metals like aluminum or resin. Find more details here.

Find out all revealing 3D X-Ray scan!

Aluminum automobile part

Aluminum automobile part

PC mouse

PC mouse



Green pepper

Green pepper

There are more 3D X-ray scan data available with NINJA CT App. (Updated from time to time/Free downloading)

Request us now for what you want to see inside with 3D CT scan!


RF Co., Ltd.

TEL:+81-26-225-7744 / FAX:+81-26-225-7747

Free Application

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google play