What He is Thinking

To Win the Big Guys

The one who can quickly abandon whatever they have learned in their previous job.

"The big names with full of elites working for them."
Most of you would assume they are a way better than yourself. It's already a losing battle once you think there won't be a slim chance to win them. What you call elites are often not as full of genius as they appear to be. They are not a threat in the game.
It often happens that you realize winning the battle when it's done.
And don't just listen to public officials, take on them instead. The officials comprehend with their head, but not with their heart. Soon they shut their mouth and play the silent game. And then, you could win this battle, too. The winner is always the one with greater enthusiasm.
But don't misjudge that all of them are alike. There are some officials who answer with their passion when you face them with the same.

Why We Keep Winning

We do not need anyone who leans over on own academic or emplayment backgrounds. But we carefully review these sections on their resumes.

Repeating history is not how the biggest innovations are born, but applying a new set of concepts. Not knowing the history leads to a surprising idea in a way.
This is what a group of amateurs are capable of. And it makes things much more interesting when he's experienced a failure or two.

This "group of amateurs" may seem disorganized, but they streamline their work and produce an incredible efficiency as if they're multiplied by their head count. They can change directions to the complete opposite within a second even when they're running at full speed. It is not the amount of time that makes them understand, but thoughtful and deep conversations are necessary. You do need the energy to face them, though.

When You Can't Predict the Future

Do not need young people who think like old.

When coming up with a new product, you need to study the market and decide whether people need it. Take a time to think over it. Then work on it if you feel passion kindled inside.
This is where they make common mistakes. Products don't sell when engineers design things people don't really need. They don't even try to make what seems technically tough while keep designing new products, just because it's possible with their existing knowledge. They're comfortable designing lines that don't sell because they don't put their passion to it.

Jiro Maruyama2It's better not to open and study inside any similar products when you start designing. This will only impoverish your ideas. The only right time to do it is when all the outline's set. If there's any smarter approach, then learn from it. If it's a challenge to a completely new market, ponder over every single possibility you could imagine. Scratch drawings and drop it for a while. Do other work for a couple of days and come back to it on the third day. Gather colleagues from as many other fields as possible and explain the new idea.
Set your goal date when to complete. Announce it in front of them. This puts you in a position that you would have to finish it by the date.

Disclosure of Technological Know-How

It is wise not to think about a patent when developing. A time and energy would be of better use if you receive evaluation from many others instead of filling up application. Today, too many meaningless applications are flooding everywhere.Disclosure of the technology.

Hearing the Voices

We hear the voices directly from users to constantly upgrade products.
We dare to say, "Design comes first, then performance next." This means engineers passing on initiative of development to sales representatives.

It's most common that company founders focus on their own grounds and be attentive to unfamiliar fields. This is no good, although one should make the very good use of own character.

Engineers must also think in sales perspective.

CEO Without Fat Wallet

Do not let CEO hold the cash. Those people called CEO try to impress others by showing the money once given a fat wallet. Do not buy any expensive measuring equipments simply because it looks good. The higher the price are, the fewer engineers can fully utilize them. Instead, let them make their own with parts they already have. This greatly enhances their technical capabilities.

Now major companies around the world are drawn into Nagano, Japan, seeking technology developed by a "group of amateurs".

The achievement cannot be measured by the extent of financial investment. 
It can only be weighed by one's dream and enthusiasm.
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